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Saturday 26 July 2014

That's all folks

Obviously I haven't been updating this blog for some time and with good reason - it's a pain in the arse to administer. This website has to be one of the least user friendly I have ever used. The support from Google is absolutely diabolical if you are trying to reset a forgotten password. The unhelpful guide asks for mobile phone numbers, I don't have one, and as an alternative asks for your email address then takes you no further. The help forum it suggests requires a login, yep, you guessed it - I can't access the forum without signing in which is the problem I need help with.
Eventually I remembered my password and tried to update my blog but now I can't upload pictures. So what now? I'll be looking for an alternative to googles blog service. In the meantime you can see some of my work here -   User name is rickoshea52

And here -

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