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Saturday 20 October 2012

Great moments in life

I experienced a great moment in life the other day. I am a very enthusiastic weatherer of my rolling stock and models, MIG productions being a current favourite brand. To date I have relied on mail order suppliers or the occasional opportunity to buy them when I stumble across a model shop that stocks them - usually in North America.
So it was one of those moments in life, like finding a fiver you forgot about in your back pocket, when I found a recently opened shop locally that sells, not just MIG products, but Vallejo, Tamiya and many more as well as tools, scenic material and other goodies. SnMstuff on Cove Road in Farnborough stock a wide range of the above mentioned products and at reasonable prices too so I'll be buying my weathering products from there from now. That's not to say that previous suppliers have been expensive or providing poor service - far from it. It's just that I'm a firm believer in buying local when possible. SnMstuff's shop is only open Thursday to Saturday with friendly and knowledgable service but they do mail order too with an easy to use website.
If you are ever in the Farnborough area when they are open they're worth a visit.

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