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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Signal box detailing

I've had some spare time while off work this week and decided to have a crack at detailing a Bachmann Scenecraft signal box I bought some time ago for another layout but I have since downsized my ambitions to something more manageable. This signal box will go on my new Scottish layout and needs a bit of tweaking to make it fit in more with its surroundings and to give it those personal additions that will make it unique.
Basically it is just a repaint of the window surrounds and guttering with the addition of cladding to change the horizontal planking to a narrower vertical style and a modification to the lamp room/toilet on the balcony.
Adding the cladding presents a problem that only became apparent after trialling the roof refit; the cladding makes the walls thicker of course so the roof bargeboards don't match up! A few thin strips of plasticard cured this.
The signal box before modification.

The first of the cladding panels is cut to size.

The new panels cut to size and ready for painting.

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The mismatch in the roof barge boards and walls are apparent here.

Plasticard strips cut to size for new barge boards.

Nearly finished. Just some nameplates and an interior to add.

I will do a detailed interior at a later stage but all that remains is for some nameboards and possibly a small lean to or bike rack under the stairs which are not the finest around.

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