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Saturday 11 August 2012

Knockomie update 4

I've been making some progress on the scenery on Knockomie recently with some very pleasing results. I bought a Woodlands Scenics rock face learner kit a few months ago and finally got to the point in Knockomie's construction where the time to try it out arrived.  I was a bit sceptical about achieving anything near the standard on the packet's illustration but by following the instructions I really surprised myself with how well it turned out. 
The rock face forms the scenic break feature at one end of the layout. The base for the plaster rock mouldings were made from polystyrene cut to shape and glued down with PVA. Making the mouldings is very straightforward and they are easily cut and filed to shape or size. Once moulded they are wetted and then matched with a strip of plaster cloth and fixed in place. It looks pretty unimpressive at this point and the look on my wife's face when she saw at this point proved the point to me. However, over the next couple of days after drying out, painting and then adding foliage and scatter material this underwhelming white lump in the corner of the layout metamorphoses into something quite realistic and I have to say spectacularly impressive.
If anyone is unsure of this product and whether they have the skills to achieve such realistic results then my advice is to put aside any such doubts and get stuck in. At around £11 for a learner kit it is fantastic value for money.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Andover Model Railway Club annual show 2012

The AMRC annual show takes place on the 1-2nd September 2012 at a new venue. More details can be found in the following link;
Please come along if you can and see what we are all about.